The boot
up of Amateur OS has under gone a change. The way I had originally
planed to boot worked on the floppy but was hard
to install and would not have worked on a
hard drive..The old layout can be seen here. So I'm
back to a standard boot loader, written from code found on Matthew Vea's
web site. The bootstrap
has been modified to load a loader file at 8000:0000. This
loader does the following:
Clears the screen.
Loads a banner image.
Checks for a 486 or greater.
Sets the A20 line.
Tests the A20 line.
Sets up flat real mode.
Test real flat mode with a video write.
Loads the FAT and directory into memory.
Scans dir for kernel name.
Loads kernel to 0050:0000
Jumps to kernel.
At this time,
I have the BPB copied into the loader file. Since both it and
the bootstrap load the FAT and dir into memory, it
should be possible to read them from the loader.
If you have a comment or question,
please feel free to send me an Email.