Scott's Homepage

    Hello and welcome...
        My name is Scott Billingsley and this in my homepage...
    Here you can find information on the many things I find of
    interest..I hope you enjoy your stay and find something useful..

            A little about me.

Education        : Liberty Eylau ISD             Texarkana,TX
                        Coal Hill High                   Coal Hill,AR     Graduated
                        Arkansas Valley VoTech    Ozark,AR         Welding
                        Red River VoTech             Hope,AR          Machine Shop

Employment    : Precision Metal Industries, Inc
                        Texarkana, TX

            FreeBSD and Linux

        Have you tried FreeBSD or Linux yet? Here are a few pages on
    that...Mostly on FreeBSD 3.1 but some might work on Linux also..

 FreeBSD 3.1 on IBM Thinkpad 755c

X Windows on IBM Thinkpad 755c

        How about adding a little splash to your boot up?? Here's a link where
    they tell you all about it...

            Amateur Radio

        My callsign is KB5RYO and I hold a General class license..I
    have another web site devoted to amateur radio...I hope to post
    other pages here dealing with amateur radio on FreeBSD and

    KB5RYO's Amateur Radio page

    Packet Terminal for FreeBSD 3.1 (Old version)

    Tcl Packet...Packet terminal for 'BSD

           Operating System

       Well...I have finally done it..I've lost what little mind I had left...
   I was told having kids would do that to ya...In my crazed state and not having
   anything better to do, I've decided to write an operating system...And being in
   a demented state of course I've decided to use assembler and Sphnix C-- to do
   the coding....So check back from time to time and join me on my journey into the
   twilight zone.....

   Amateur OS

   The source page for Amateur OS is here..
   The design page for Amateur OS is here..
   The boot up layout for Amateur OS is here..
   The memory layout for Amateur OS is here..
   The kernel layout for Amateur OS is here..
   The interrupt service for Amateur OS is here..
   See what going on with AMOS here...
   Some code snippets I've written are here...
   A page on the FAT sector of a floppy. The skinny on FAT
   See what I learned writting The skinny on FAT


   Sphinx C-- is like assembler on storids...You can freely mix assembler
    and c functions...You can also use DB to inline HEX dumps from other
   assemblers...Will only compile a COM or an OBJ file...

   Open Sphinx C-- on Source Forge...Contining the work on Sphnix C--...
   Now open source...

   NASM v0.98 Netwide assembler...A free assembler with Masm asd Tasm
   like syntax...

   HEX A simple Binary to HEX converter...Writen by me. ;-)
   FDWrite A simple program to write a file to any sector on a floppy.
   Sector A simple program to read any sector on a floppy and save it to a file.

   Don't forget DOS Edit for all those asm programs....

   Got a comment or a question? Check out the message borad.

           Mountain Dulcimer

       I have decided to make a Mountain Dulcimer.
     Here are a few pages on that. There is lot's of info
     and plenty of pictures.

     Willow...Making a Mountian Dulcimer

       I have started working on a new dulcimer.
     It is the longneck style..

     No. 3

           Other Stuff

    Here are some other pages of things of interest to me....

    Some pictures..And a quick javascript apt to display them...(IE5+,Netscape 4.5+)

    Have a look at some of my Halloween projects... Happy Halloween

    Merry Christmas!! Some pages on the season of giving...

   Give a geek a scanner..See some cool scaned pictures..

   Take a look at my guest book....

    Sign my guest book..

    Or send me an email..

    Or take a quick poll?

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117072 since August 2000